
MicroClimate Gen P DD Slave (active)

MicroClimate Gen P DD Slave (active)
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Brand: Click+Netherfield
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Availability: Pre-Order 60-90 days (opt.10)
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The PM series humidity generator is a novel approach for controlling humidity in museum quality display cases. The units are based on solid state technology - unlike other units, it needs no filling or emptying of reservoirs. Once the machine is setup, humidity inside the display case will be maintained for years without the necessity of checking water level, adding water or any other regular maintenance. These devices are able to maintain relative humidity from below 17% up to 70% at ambient temperatures of from below 0°C up to 40ºC. DD – provides dehumidifying only. DD units are ideal for low level RH applications (eg. 17%) when ambient RH will always be higher than the target RH inside the case.
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