
Hadi Teherani

Hadi Teherani

Hadi Teherani was born in 1954 in Teheran, Iran. He studied architecture at Braunschweig University in Germany. He has been working as a freelance architect since 1990; in 1991 he founded the Studio BRT – Bothe Richter Teherani – and later the Hadi Teherani AG in Hamburg (Germany). He has been a member of the Freie Akademie der Kunste Hamburg since 1999.

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Thonet S8000 system FR extra
S 8000 Conference Table System. A sculpture in space: the conference table system S 8000 by architec..
Thonet S8000 system Media Center
S 8000 Conference Table System. A sculpture in space: the conference table system S 8000 by architec..
Thonet S8001 Conference Table (8-10p)
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Thonet S8002 Conference Table (10-16p)
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Thonet S8003 Conference Table (12-18p)
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Thonet S8004 Conference Table (14-20p)
S 8000 Conference Table System. A sculpture in space: the conference table system S 8000 by architec..
Thonet S8005 Conference Table (16-22p)
S 8000 Conference Table System. A sculpture in space: the conference table system S 8000 by architec..
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