
Finn Juhl

Finn Juhl

Finn Juhl (1912-1989) was a Danish furniture and industrial designer, and architect known for his organic designs and sculptural themes. As an architect, he was one of the most important figures in the creation of "Danish Design” in the 1940s and 50s. Finn was born in Copenhagen and studied at the Royal Academy of Art before opening his own studio in 1945. His reputation grew after winning five gold medals at the Milan Triennials partly thanks to Edgard Kaufmman Jr, who promoted his work in the U.S. through Interiors Magazine and Merchandise Mart. Icon Chieftain Chair (1949), Pelican chair and sofa Poet are some of Finn Juhl's popular pieces of furniture.

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FBB Series Pelican chair 2 seater Cashmere
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB PELICAN CHAIR - Καναπές 2 θέσεων. Κέλυφος από fiberglass με αμφίπλευρη επένδυση από Cashmer..
FBB Series Pelican chair Cashmere
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB PELICAN CHAIR - Πολυθρόνα (με μπράτσα). Κέλυφος από fiberglass με αμφίπλευρη επένδυση από C..
FBB Series Pelican chair Leather
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB PELICAN CHAIR - Πολυθρόνα (με μπράτσα). Κέλυφος από fiberglass με αμφίπλευρη επένδυση από δ..
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