
Eero Aarnio

Eero Aarnio

Eero Aarnio (born July 21, 1932) is a Finish furniture and interior designer. He is well known for his innovative designs using plastic and fiberglass. Aarnio studied at the Institute of Industrial Arts in Helsinki from 1954 – 1957. He established his own office in 1962 doing interior design, industrial design and graphic design. Probably the most popular of Eero Aarnio designs is the Ball Chair – a hollow sphere set on a stand, giving a person who sits in it a very private atmosphere. He designed it for himself, but when visitors from Asko Furniture Company noticed it while on a meeting at Aarnio’s house, it was put in to production. Very similar Bubble Chair is made of clear acrylic and is suspended from above.

Aarnio received the American Industrial Design award in 1968 for his Pastil Chair, as well as many other awards around the world. Eero Aarnio’s designs have very simple geometric forms and have been used in many sets of science-fiction films.

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Cognac Cup
ΣΕΙΡΑ EBL-CHILD Κάθισμα Σκαμπό Pingy. Κατασκευή από χημικά αδρανές πολυαιθυλένιο (PE). Διαστάσεις: ..
EBL Series Puppy 695/ 555H
ΣΕΙΡΑ EBL-CHILD Κάθισμα Σκαμπό Puppy. Κατασκευή από χημικά αδρανές πολυαιθυλένιο (PE). Διαστάσεις L..
EBL Series Puppy XL 1025/ 805H
ΣΕΙΡΑ EBL-CHILD Κάθισμα Σκαμπό Puppy. Κατασκευή από χημικά αδρανές πολυαιθυλένιο (PE). Διαστάσεις L..
EBL Series Puppy, large, green, 1 pcs
EBL Series Puppy, medium, green, 2 pcs.
EBL Series Puppy, small, green, 2 pcs.
EBL Series Trioli
ΣΕΙΡΑ EBL-CHILD Κάθισμα σειράς Upside-Down - Trioli. Το κάθισμα μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί με 3 διαφο..
Egg Pod Ball Chair
FBB Series Ball chair m01
Eero Aarnio ball chair. Fiberglass shell, upholstery. The Ball Chair was designed by using one of th..
FBB Series Egg Pod chair m01
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB EGG POD CHAIR - Κάθισμα με κέλυφος από fiberglass, με γέμιση από MDfoam και εσωτερική υφασμ..
FBB Series Focus 2 chair stool, molded Fiberglass
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB Focus 2 chair - stool - Πάγκος / κάθισμα. Κέλυφος κατασκευασμένο από υαλόινες (molded fiber..
FBB Series Pony chair, molded Fiberglass, Fabric
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB PONY CHAIR - Κάθισμα με κέλυφος από fiberglass, με εξωτερική επένδυση ύφασμα. Π570 x Β1100 ..
FBB Series Tomato chair, molded Fiberglass
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB Tomato chair - stool - Πάγκος / κάθισμα. Κέλυφος κατασκευασμένο από υαλόινες (molded fiberg..
FCC Series Ball Chair BR
Eero Aarnio ball chair. Fiberglass shell, upholstery. The Ball Chair was designed by using one of th..
FCC Series Ball Chair WB
Eero Aarnio ball chair. Fiberglass shell, upholstery. The Ball Chair was designed by using one of th..
FCC Series Ball Chair WG
Eero Aarnio ball chair. Fiberglass shell, upholstery. The Ball Chair was designed by using one of th..
FCC Series Ball Chair WO
Eero Aarnio ball chair. Fiberglass shell, upholstery. The Ball Chair was designed by using one of th..
FCC Series Ball Chair WR
Eero Aarnio ball chair. Fiberglass shell, upholstery. The Ball Chair was designed by using one of th..
FCC Series Egg Chair fabric
FCC Series Egg Chair leather
FCC Series Egg Chair ponyskin
FCC Series Egg Chair technoleather
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