
Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier

Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris, better known as Le Corbusier (1887-1965), was a Swiss-French architect, designer, painter, urban planner, writer, and one of the pioneers of what is now called modern architecture. He was born in Switzerland and became a French citizen in 1930. His career spanned five decades, with his buildings constructed throughout Europe, India, and America.

In the first issue of the journal, in 1920, Charles-Edouard Jeanneret adopted Le Corbusier (an altered form of his maternal grandfather's name, Lecorbésier) as a pseudonym, reflecting his belief that anyone could reinvent himself. Adopting a single name to identify oneself was in vogue by artists in many fields during that era, especially in Paris. Between 1918 and 1922, Le Corbusier did not build anything, concentrating his efforts on Purist theory and painting. In 1922, he and his cousin Pierre Jeanneret opened a studio in Paris at 35 rue de Sèvres.

His theoretical studies soon advanced into several different single-family house models. Among these was the Maison "Citrohan", a pun on the name of the French Citroën automaker, for the modern industrial methods and materials Le Corbusier advocated using for the house. Here, Le Corbusier proposed a three-floor structure, with a double-height living room, bedrooms on the second floor, and a kitchen on the third floor. The roof would be occupied by a sun terrace. On the exterior Le Corbusier installed a stairway to provide second-floor access from ground level. Here, as in other projects from this period, he also designed the facades to include large uninterrupted banks of windows. The house used a rectangular plan, with exterior walls that were not filled by windows but left as white, stuccoed spaces. Le Corbusier and Jeanneret left the interior aesthetically spare, with any movable furniture made of tubular metal frames. Light fixtures usually comprised single, bare bulbs. Interior walls also were left white. Corbusier said: "Chairs are architecture, sofas are bourgeois". Le Corbusier began experimenting with furniture design in 1928 after inviting the architect, Charlotte Perriand, to join his studio. His cousin, Pierre Jeanneret, also collaborated on many of the designs. Before the arrival of Perriand, Le Corbusier relied on ready-made furniture to furnish his projects, such as the simple pieces manufactured by Thonet, the company that manufactured his designs in the 1930s. In 1928, Le Corbusier and Perriand began to put the expectations for furniture Le Corbusier outlined in his 1925 book L'Art Décoratif d'aujourd'hui into practice. In the book he defined three different furniture types: type-needs, type-furniture, and human-limb objects. He defined human-limb objects as: "Extensions of our limbs and adapted to human functions that are type-needs and type-functions, therefore type-objects and type-furniture. The human-limb object is a docile servant. A good servant is discreet and self-effacing in order to leave his master free. Certainly, works of art are tools, beautiful tools. And long live the good taste manifested by choice, subtlety, proportion, and harmony".

The first results of the collaboration were three chrome-plated tubular steel chairs designed for two of his projects, The Maison la Roche in Paris and a pavilion for Barbara and Henry Church. The line of furniture was expanded for Le Corbusier's 1929 Salon d'Automne installation, 'Equipment for the Home'. These chairs included the LC-1, LC-2, LC-3, and LC-4, originally entitled "Basculant" (LC-1), "Fauteuil grand confort, petit modèle" (LC-2, "great comfort sofa, small model"), "Fauteuil grand confort, grand modèle" (LC-3, "great comfort sofa, large model"), and "Chaise longue" (LC-4, "Long chair"). The LC-2 and LC-3 are more colloquially referred to as the petit confort and grand confort (abbreviation of full title, and due to respective sizes).

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FBB Series LC Grand Comfort soft 2 seater Fabric
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB - LC Grand Comfort Soft Καναπές 2 θέσεων. Εδρα, πλάτη με γέμισμα Mdfoam, επένδυση αμφίπλευρ..
FBB Series LC Grand Comfort soft 3 seater Fabric
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB - LC Grand Comfort Soft Καναπές 3 θέσεων. Εδρα, πλάτη με γέμισμα Mdfoam, επένδυση αμφίπλευρ..
FBB Series LC Grand Comfort soft armchair Fabric
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB - LC Grand Comfort Soft Πολυθρόνα 1 θέσης. Εδρα, πλάτη με γέμισμα Mdfoam, επένδυση αμφίπλευ..
FBB Series LC10 Coffee Table 120x120
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB LC10 Coffee Table - Χαμηλό Τραπέζι με επιφάνεια από ψημένο υαλοπίνακα πάχους 12χιλ. Μεταλλι..
FBB Series LC10 Coffee Table 120x80
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB LC10 Coffee Table - Χαμηλό Τραπέζι με επιφάνεια από ψημένο υαλοπίνακα πάχους 12χιλ. Μεταλλι..
FBB Series LC10 Coffee Table 70x70
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB LC10 Coffee Table - Χαμηλό Τραπέζι με επιφάνεια από ψημένο υαλοπίνακα πάχους 12χιλ. Μεταλλι..
FBB Series LC10 Dining Table 120x120
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB LC10 Dining Table - Τραπέζι με επιφάνεια από ψημένο υαλοπίνακα 12χιλ. Μεταλλική βάση SUS306..
FBB Series LC10 Dining Table 120x80
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB LC10 Dining Table - Τραπέζι με επιφάνεια από ψημένο υαλοπίνακα 12χιλ. Μεταλλική βάση SUS306..
FBB Series LC2 Lounge chair PU
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB - LC2 Πολυθρόνα. Εδρα, πλάτη με Multi Density foam εσωτερικά και επένδυση δέρμα αμφίπλευρα...
FBB Series LC2 Lounge chair PU
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB - LC2 Πολυθρόνα. Εδρα, πλάτη με Multi Density foam εσωτερικά και επένδυση ύφασμα αμφίπλευρα..
FBB Series LC2 sectional Sofa PU
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB - LC2 SECTIONAL SOFA. Καναπές 3 θέσεων. Εδρα, πλάτη με γέμισμα Mdfoam, δερμάτινη επένδυση α..
FBB Series LC2 Sofa 2 seater PU
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB - LC2 καναπές 2 θέσεων. Εδρα, πλάτη με γέμισμα MDfoam και δερμάτινη επένδυση αμφίπλευρα. Χρ..
FBB Series LC2 Sofa 3 seater PU
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB - LC2 καναπές 3 θέσεων. Εδρα, πλάτη με γέμισμα MDfoam και δερμάτινη επένδυση αμφίπλευρα. Χρ..
FBB Series LC3 Lounge chair Technoleather (PU) or Cashmere
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB - LC3 Πολυθρόνα. Εδρα, πλάτη με γέμισμα Mdfoam, επένδυση αμφίπλευρα. Χρωμιωμένος σκελετός. ..
FBB Series LC3 Ottoman Leather
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB - LC3 OTTOMAN. Υποπόδιο. Εδρα με γέμισμα M.D.foam και επένδυση αμφίπλευρα. Μεταλλικός σκελε..
FBB Series LC3 sectional /corner Sofa Technoleather (PU) or Cashmere
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB - LC3 CORNER SOFA. Γωνιακός Καναπές 3 θέσεων. Εδρα, πλάτη με γέμισμα M.D.foam και επένδυση ..
FBB Series LC3 Sofa 2 seater Technoleather (PU) or Cashmere
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB - LC3 SOFA. Καναπές 2 θέσεων. Εδρα, πλάτη με γέμισμα MDfoam και επένδυση αμφίπλευρα. Μεταλλ..
FBB Series LC3 Sofa 3 seater Technoleather (PU) or Cashmere
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB - LC3 SOFA. Καναπές 3 θέσεων. Εδρα, πλάτη με γέμισμα MDfoam και επένδυση αμφίπλευρα. Μεταλλ..
FBB Series LC5 Sofa 3 seater Technoleather (PU)
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB - LC5 Soft 3 seater - Καναπές 3 θέσεων. Εδρα, πλάτη με γέμισμα Mdfoam, επένδυση αμφίπλευρα...
FBB Series LC6 Dining Table-C
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB LC6 Dining Table - Τραπέζι με επιφάνεια από ψημένο υαλοπίνακα 19χιλ. Μεταλλική βάση με 4 π..
FBB Series Le Corbusier Chaise Lounge Technoleather (PU)
ΣΕΙΡΑ FB Le Corbusier Chaise Lounge. Σωληνωτός σκελετός SUS304 και μεταλλική βάση σε μαύρη απόχρωση...
FCC Series LC13 Wagon Fumoir Armchair fabric
FCC Series LC13 Wagon Fumoir Armchair leather
FCC Series LC13 Wagon Fumoir Armchair technoleather
LC7 Swivel Chair
LC8 Stool
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