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New pedagogic methods and the new solutions of social media, combined with the rapid technological development, have forced teachers and teaching space designers to seek alternative solutions for the classroom. Back in the 1970s and until the late 2000s classrooms were seen as a row of student desks supporting a teacher-led approach. The last few years the concept of the classroom seems to have changed and it now refers to something more abstract other that the typical room with the four corners. The classroom is more or less seen as a as a modifiable structure combining different space and group work opportunities. Today and future classroom defining characteristics include aesthetics, practicality, comfort, flexibility, adjustability, ease of furniture movement and effective utilization of the new developments in the field of Information Technology. Classrooms are no longer copies of one another but rather areas with a character. Even the large general teaching spaces that in the past served a single purpose need now to be adapted for multipurpose use from individual work to large group work projects.

In the northern European countries, the recently published new comprehensive education quality criteria and the new construction method guidelines for school construction provide directions for future classroom design. For newly designed schools and educational institutions the trend is that lobbies, halls, libraries and other areas, when needed to quickly convert to teaching spaces.

We, our partners and subcontractors, continuously collaborate with educational institutions parallel to the monitor and study of future trends as this undoubtedly helps us in the design of furnishing solutions that support both teaching and learning. This enables us to stay ahead of developments and provide better and more adaptive furniture to suit learning environments’ current and future needs.

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